Good morning Internet Folk
Busy times ahead I hear people say, due to the impending season starting…..Well its been busy times all round at GFB towers, and if Im totally honest Im sick of Spraying cars now. As far as we are concerned the Beetle respray is complete and just needs putting back together (Pull your finger out Leebo), this can also be said about the Midget. Strickly speaking the Midget was completed on the bank holiday weekend but me being a numpty (I know its hard to believe) and colour sanded a little too much, and yes I burnt through to the primer, so last weekend I had to repsray the whole wing 🙁 Ahh well its done now.
See the Pictures for the out come….
Other news
GFB Developments is now on Facebook so be sure to search us out and join the group 🙂
Also GFB now have our club clothing range, so next time your at a show and you see one of us, say hello we dont bite…..actually that depends on if we have eaten or not.
Anyway I must go, Ebay is calling me………………….Can I hear someone say XR2??????????????
Much love
Don’t tell me you’ve already found a new project? you’ve not sold the midget yet have you? lol