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Battle Scars

Good morning internet Folk

As ever the updates are thin, probably due to the weather (well that’s my excuse)……
Before I start on what Im working on I’ll give you a little update on the project “AirCooled”…………On hold!! :). The car was removed from the workshop a couple of weekends ago to make room for the Austin, I assure you (hopefully) it will be completed soon.

So Battle Scars, well that’s how the GT looks on the front end due to the paint reaction. As much as it got to me when it was first happening, Im actually starting to like it. Somehow it gives the car that “used” meaner look etc.

As I mentioned in another Post, I have big ideas for the GT and the purchasing has already started. However before I can fit these items I do need to sort the Failed Head gasket!!

Currently she’s sitting in the workshop with the upper end of the engine stripped.
Whislt its been like this I’ve Ported and polished the head for the extra OOOOMMMPH.

Here are some photos of the progressions (testing HG etc), nothing amazing but it give a little insight.
Also included is a picture of a GT that a fellow forum member sent, I thinking the same look but Wider wheels and arches 😉


Yeah that looks like its gone


Said GT

This weekend the GT will get the head finally fitted and at least then I can start fitting things 😉 Watch this space…..

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