Well a long overdue session in the garage today, After Christmas and the dreaded flu wiped out most of December it was good to spend the last day of the year working on the bug!
Firstly big thankyou to Nathan who has been welding like a trooper, And we are so nearly done with all the welding, Which is so good to hear! The next job is filling, Now the idea was for Nathan to weld and me follow him round the car and fill after he had done. Unfortunatly it didn’t quite work like that and i was left lagging behind, Anyway we want to do it right the first time and hopefully not have to do much work on it in the future.
In other news the beetle has claimed 2 of my 19″ sockets whilst trying to remove the wheels from the drums, After bing stood for 5 years they didnt want to come off. But as they are halfrauds proffessional ones its not so bad as they do have a lifetime guarantee! 🙂
Anyway thats enough from me, I’ll leave you with some pictures!